
My Doctor Told Me Sitting In the Same Position 8+ Hours A Day Was Slowly Killing Me – But Then I Found A Revolutionary Solution That Fixed My Problems For Good!

My Doctor Told Me Sitting In the Same Position 8+ Hours A Day Was Slowly Killing Me – But Then I Found A Revolutionary Solution That Fixed My Problems For Good!

Sadly, so many people know how it feels to be sitting at a desk for 8 hours straight. And this is the second week of me working 10+ hour days!

I can’t focus on my work anymore, because my feet are numb and tingling, my back is aching and my neck is sore from hunching down to look at the screen. 

I think I’m slowly developing a hunchback 😩‼️

And even when I get up to take a break, use the toilet or get a snack, I genuinely feel stiff as a board, even walking slowly hurts!

So I get up and walk around in circles, trying to get my blood and juices flowing, so I can finish for the day and not miss another deadline.

So I go back to my desk and it happens immediately: the stiffness in my neck and back kicks in again… but this time I feel some sharp shooting pains in my lower back. I think it’s my spine 😱‼️

I Tried Working From The Sofa, The Floor, A Bean Bag, Standing Up, And Even Working From Bed. But Sadly NOTHING HELPED, And After A While It Made Things Worse!

I got tired of sitting in the same position for hours on end, so I do the next best thing. 

I take my laptop and jump into bed, hoping I can squeeze out my last drop of productivity… Does it help.?? Nada. Zilch. No Bueno!

And over the next few weeks I try sitting all over the house.

Everyday I was trying to contort myself into a new position… just trying anything to get some comfort. But nothing worked.

After a couple weeks of trying this scattergun approach, I actually felt worse.

I even pulled a muscle in my leg because I fell awkwardly when I was going through my “bean bag” phase.

I was miserable and everyone was noticing.

My Partner Confessed It’s Been Affecting My Performance In The Bedroom For A While!

This was the final straw.

It’s all well and good affecting me, but when it’s affecting my love life and my family, I couldn’t ignore things any longer.

I didn’t know it back then, but I was ignorant to the REAL problem all along.

Sitting in the same position for nearly 10 hours a day made me irritable, grumpy and argumentative all the time.

I thought this working from home stuff was gonna be a godsend, but it’s turned into a nightmare.

So I decided to do something about it!

I Bought A Gaming Chair But It Was Bulky And Ugly And Just As Uncomfortable As My Other Chair

I heard a lot of gamers and streamers use “gaming” chairs. Well… they sit for many hours at a time, so I thought they must be good.

Little did I know I was just in for another disappointment.

It was a bit expensive for what it was, but I didn’t mind paying a premium if it delivered. Sadly, I had to return it after just a few days of using it. 

The padding and cushions were bulkier and thicker than my original office chair, so I presumed that would equal comfort… IT DIDN’T 😒.

Not to mention the thing looked awful in my stylish home office.

Since working from home I made a nice little nook for myself. All the furniture matched and looked great, but that gaming chair was an eyesore, no doubt about it.

So much so my kids were teasing me non stop saying I was trying to be “young and hip”, and failing miserably.

So I went back to my old ways for a while. Until… 

I Found Some Spider Veins On My Legs & I Nearly Had A Mental Break Down – How Did This Happen, I’m Barely In My Early 40’s?!

One day in the shower I just noticed that I had some tiny blueish purple veins on the back of my calves.

At first I didn’t know what they were, but after doing some digging, I realised they’re called spider veins.

They normally develop in more elderly people, but I’m barely 42 and I used to play a lot of sports before my career took off… How the hell was this happening to me soo young 😭?!

I started to frantically search online and I discovered this could be the early signs for DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis). 

And down the google rabbit hole… I discovered some disturbing stats.

Hartford Healthcare estimates 31 million people experience back pain at any given time.

It costs the US alone $50 BILLION annually in healthcare!

According to the CDC, ‘Deep Vein Thrombosis’ affects 900,000 yearly and up to 100,000 people develop sudden blood clots and pass away.

And the WHO released alarming stats on mental health.

Over 300 million people suffer from depression and anxiety in the western world.

I knows it’s wrong to be an armchair doctor, using google to self diagnose myself, but this was the jolt I needed to take my health and wellbeing seriously!

I Invested A Ton Of Money Into A Fancy “Ergonomic” Chair… The Results Were Very Underwhelming And It Left A Gaping Hole In My Bank Account

I spent over $1,600 on one of those “ergonomic” office chairs. 

It cost a mini fortune, but thought it would be worth it if it solved my problems… IT DIDN’T 😤!

It looked fancy and offered a few minor adjustments, but using it was soooo “meh”.

Being able to adjust the armrests or headrest was useless. I soon realised all those “adjustments” were just marketing gimmicks, but fundamentally did absolutely NOTHING for me.

Why, because I was still stuck sitting in the same old position for hours on end.

I eventually ended up returning that also, but luckily got the majority of my $1,600 back.

I just chalked it up as another costly failed solution.

Lost for what to do, with my life and my livelihood dependant on finding a solution, I was determined not to give up.

So I went to get some expert advice from the very best.

I Found Renowned Physio Therapist Dr. Rick And I Was Stunned By What He Told Me!

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Dr. Rick spent the better part of the last few decades consulting people with chronic physiological issues.

With years of experience helping people like me who suffer from stiffness and siting 8+ hours a day, he understood my problems immediately and was the perfect person to help me. 

The walls of his office were covered in certifications and awards.

His website was chuck-full of testimonials from people vouching that he had changed their lives for the better.

As a PT, Dr. Rick was quick to conclude that the body-mind connection was real.

Your brain and your body are interconnected. You can’t take care of one without taking care of the other.

I was SHOCKED when he started talking and explained the real cause of my brain fog, lack of productivity, neck stiffness, back pain.

And my partner was delighted to hear it explained my lack of bedroom acrobatics!

Dr. Rick Told Me “Changing Positions Is Crucial To Your Wellbeing – And I’m Not Just Talking In The Bedroom” 😉

“What?” I ask the doc, and he told me. 

You need to change positions regularly when you’re sitting and working for many hours of the day.

You can’t quit your job and go chill on the beach or play golf, so this is the next best thing.

“So that was it?!” – Is it that simple…? I thought to myself. 

All this time I thought there was something inherently wrong with me. Poor genetics, poor mental toughness, poor ability to focus, but he said it’s none of that.

“Change how you sit, and you change how you feel!” Dr. Rick continued.

“So all I have to do is keep moving between the desk and the bed? And sometimes maybe use a standing desk?”… NO! He said with shock and horror. 

He briefly chuckled and then turned serious.

He Explained A Sedentary Lifestyle Is A Leading Cause Of Heart Disease, Diabetes And Many Other Life Threatening Diseases

He talked about all of the alarming stats related to sitting in the same position for hours on end and all of the serious health problems I read about on the internet the last few days.

What I found truly scary is that you can’t undo all that damage by going to the gym and working out for 3 hours a day.

I finally had to accept that sitting all day long in the same position, days, weeks, months, and years on-end, was slowly but surely killing me softly.

“But there is hope” Dr. Rick exclaimed!

“Quite a few of my patients have been seeing immense benefits using a revolutionary chair that changing their lives for the better.”

Powered By “Active Sitting” BeYou Chair Lets You Sit Comfortably In 10+ Positions At Any Time

They call it the BeYou Chair.

Dr. Rick has been collaborating with a fantastic team of engineers and designers to make this revolution a reality.

Changing positions on the BeYou Chair is as seamless as moving in your sleep.

Here’s just a glimpse of what you can do on your BeYou:

✔️ Do a light Yoga routine

✔️ Play on your phone

✔️ Work on your laptop

✔️ Take a quick Nap

✔️ Relax when you need it

✔️ Read your favorite book

✔️ Meditate and come back to your center

✔️ Listen to music or audiobooks

✔️ Connect on video calls

…And so much more!

This New Transforming Chair Changes The Way You Sit, Preventing Back Pain, DVT, and All The Nasty Side Effects of Sitting In the Same Position All Day

BeYou Chair Will Help You Do More, Live More And Be More!

After just a couple of days of using the BeYou Chair, I felt a significant improvement in my mood and concentration.

I was no longer stiff. Whenever my body wanted to move, I would just go from one position to the next.

It all came so naturally it felt unreal.

I was afraid that changing positions would be weird at first, but luckily, I was proven wrong in no time.

Thousands Of People Were Able to Transform Their Work, Play, and Life With The BeYou Chair

Find Out What Comes In The Box & How Easy It Is To Assemble


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And The Best Part Is, You Don’t Have To Decide Today! Simply Try It For 90 Days – Risk FREE – And Transform Your Life!

Click the button below to check if there are chairs left in stock.

From there, you can select the number of chairs that you want as well as the color.

After that, you’ll be taken to our secure 🔐 checkout page where you’ll fill in your delivery details.

Then just wait for your very own BeYou Chair to arrive at your door in 5-10 business days. 👇🏻

Get Your BeYou Chair Today and Save 33% OFF


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If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

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